340B Drug Discount Program

The COA Position Statement on the 340B program — VIEW NOW

The BRG study that COA sponsored on growth of the 340B program and its impact on the oncology marketplace (2015) — VIEW NOW

The BRG study that COA sponsored on growth of the 340B program and its impact on the oncology marketplace (2015) — VIEW NOW

The BRG study that COA sponsored on the 340B program and shifting site of care implications (2015) — VIEW NOW

The AIR340B report on the growth of 340B contract pharmacies (2014) — VIEW NOW

The AIR340B/Avalere report on 340B hospitals and charity care (2014) — VIEW NOW

The BRG study that BIO sponsored on cost implications of the 340B program (2014) — VIEW NOW

The Avalere 340B study COA, NPAF, and others co-sponsored (2013) — VIEW NOW

Congress is investigating oversight and possible abuse of the 340B discount program. There were 3 letters sent to PhRMA/BIO, Apexus, and SNHPA from members (2012) — VIEW PhRMA/BIOVIEW ApexusVIEW SNHPA

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) issued a report on 340B drug pricing relating to state Medicaid programs. (2011) — VIEW NOW

A comprehensive overview of the 340B program from OBR (2010) — VIEW NOW
